Monday, March 4, 2013

Mobile device report shows purchasing factors across the world

If you’ve ever wondered why people purchase the mobile devices they do then this article is for you. It appears that the reasons we buy smartphones and tablets differ depending on where in the world we live. For those in the US and UK for example, it’s all about value for money, while you may be surprised that in Russia much of the deciding factor for a purchase comes down to style.
A recent study by Nielsen looked at 10 countries across the world, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Italy, South Korea, Russia, Turkey, the UK and US. Consumers were then asked about their top selection criteria for purchasing a mobile device from the following choices, stylish design, good operating system, good value for money, ease of use, and finally a wide choice of applications.
The results were plotted on the chart above and threw up some interesting revelations. The top choice for those in the US was ‘good value for money,’ which 30% chose, while the aspect that US customers were least bothered about was having a ‘wide choice of apps,’ on only 2%. In the UK consumers also chose ‘good value for money’ on 28% as most important and the aspect least important was a ‘good operating system’ on 15%.
As we’ve already said, consumers in Russia put ‘stylish design’ as most important to them with 23% while the aspects that came top for other countries were ‘ease of use’ for Australia on 25%, a ‘good operating system’ for Brazil on 24%, ‘good value for money’ for China on 25%, ‘ease of use’ for India on 31%, ‘good value for money’ for Italy on 28%, ‘ease of use’ for South Korea on 22% and ‘ease of use’ for Turkey on 25%.
Take a look at the chart above and let us know if any of the results surprise you? Is there a criteria that’s not shown here that is more important to you when purchasing a mobile device? Let us have your comments on this.
Source: iClarified

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