Saturday, March 16, 2013

Windows Phone 9 tests on Nokia & HTC, no Samsung

It doesn’t seem all that long ago that we were bringing news about the Windows Phone 8 operating system but it now appears that Microsoft is well on the way with Windows Phone 9 developments. Rather interestingly though an employee profile states that Windows Phone 9 is currently being tested on Nokia and HTC devices but there’s no specific mention of Samsung.
Regular readers may remember that not too long ago we told of an ad for a software development engineer to work on the next version of Windows Phone, which indicated that the next upgrade would be in time for this year’s holiday season. The new details come from the LinkedIn profile of a software test engineer for the Windows Phone Test Services team and says testing of Windows 9 OS (presumed to mean Windows Phone 9) is now underway on Nokia, HTC and also Qualcomm devices.
Samsung is not mentioned by name in the way that Nokia and HTC are although of course Samsung devices sometimes use Qualcomm components. It’s possible though that Microsoft equates Samsung too strongly with Android devices and therefore didn’t explicitly mention the company by name and also with Samsung developing its Tizen OS, maybe this is a sign of things to come.
It now appears that Windows Phone Blue refers to a project to rid Win 8/RT of bugs and glitches and as yet no features of Windows Phone 9 have been detailed. On another note it’s also reported that Microsoft has placed a job ad for a Bing Software Development Engineer, which specifically mentions the Windows 9 OS so we expect to see more references to both Windows 9 and Windows Phone 9 soon.
Of course we’ll be following further developments on this and will keep readers up-to-date. What are your thoughts on testing already taking place for Windows Phone 9? Do you think that Samsung not getting a mention means anything significant? Let us have your comments on this.
Source: MSFTKitchen

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