Thursday, November 29, 2012

Galaxy S3 and Note 2 take a beating in torture video

Both the Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note 2 are extremely popular devices amongst the Android faithful, and as such old Sammy wants to make sure both of these device can take just about anything a user throws at them. And to make sure both the smartphone and phablet can stand up to the rigours of everyday use, Samsung puts their devices through several stress tests.

So, for those that are a bit curious as to just what stress tests old Sammy puts their gear through before they become available, we have a little stress test video for your viewing consideration below that come our way courtesy of Phone Arena.
In this particular stress test video we get to see just what tortures the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 are put through before making their way into your hands, with the three and a half minute footage showing that both Android devices take quite a beating.

In the footage you will see the SGS3 and Note 2 having their buttons pressed over and over thousands of times to make sure the buttons do not fail, along with the devices being placed into a churning machine filled with what appears to be sharp stones to ensure the device doesn’t scratch, the handsets being twisted this way and that, and being sat on by an artificial bum, to make sure the device doesn’t get damaged if you happen to sit on it.
The Samsung products also get tested for water resistance with a simulated rain shower, and if subjecting the devices to a shower wasn’t enough, we also see a device getting a bit of a power wash. All these tortures the Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 have to do through before you get the device in your hands are to ensure that your handset can take quite a beating out in the real world.
So if you enjoy watching mobile devices being tested you can he4ad on down and mash that play button to just what Sammy devices have to go through, although the commentary isn’t in English, but then you don’t really need to know what is being said to understand what is going on…enjoy.
Of course we at Phones Review don’t suggest that after watching the footage you try to put your own Galaxy S3 or Note 2 through similar stress tests of your own, as you have shelled out your own hard earned cash for the device.

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